How to Stay Creative | Cyber Clown's Advice

How to Stay Creative | Cyber Clown's Advice

Trust Me, I Get It.

Art block, writer's block, creativity block... It's all the same thing: BURNOUT. And it isn't fun. Here are some things I've learned over the years to help. From overcoming burnout, to avoiding it, to staying creative, I will give you all my advice on the topic.

Have questions or want to share your advice? Comment below so we can build a thread of kindness and encouragement! 

What is Burnout?

When we go too long without adequate rest, too much stress, or going too long without listening to our needs, our body can go into burnout. Burnout can cause low/no moderation, loss of interest in things that usually bring you joy, fatigue, and more. For us creatives, one of the first things to go when burnout approaches is our ability to create/ interest in art. 

Personally, I've been in an endless cycle of burnout for as long as I can remember. That is why this topic is so near and dear to me.  

So, how do you overcome this and avoid burnout in the first place?

Tips on Overcoming Burnout

  1. Allow yourself to rest without guilt.
  2. Give yourself permission to feel your feelings without judgement.
  3. Postpone any non urgent tasks/ duties.
  4. Communicate your needs with those close to you.
  5. Ask for help when needed! (I know, it's scary... But you'll feel so much better!)
  6. Stay inspired (watch your favorite show, listen to your favorite music)
  7. Take all the time you need and don't rush anything.

Tips on Avoiding Burnout

  1. Be realistic with your daily to-do list/ goals
  2. Don't be hard on yourself when you take "too long" on a project
  3. Set attainable/ easy goals to give yourself confidence along the way.
  4. Make art for you first!
  5. If you sell art: Find a few art hobbies that you enjoy and don't monetize them! (For me, it's music and crochet.)
  6. Connect with others and stay inspired
  7. Listen to your body and rest when needed (daily self care is essential!)

How to Stay Creative

Now that you have some tips on avoiding and recovering from burnout, let's chat about ways to stay creative. 

Life can get hectic. It's easy to give up your creative time to do other things like chores, socializing, or even resting. Here are a few things I recommend trying so that you can stay creative.

  • Limit your screen time. Schedule your social media time if desired (example: 20 minutes a day on TikTok after work.)
  • Don't feel like making art? Set a timer! Even a 5 minute timer can be all you need.
  • Make the art that inspires you and nothing less than that.
  • Remind yourself why you create in the first place.


That's all for today! If you have any questions, need advice, or have tips of your own- Comment below! I'd love to chat with you!


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What’s your favorite way to stay creative?

Cyber Clown

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