All About "Made to Order" Plushies

All About "Made to Order" Plushies

What the Heck Does "MADE TO ORDER" Really Mean?

If you've visited my website, you may have seen the term "Made-to-order" be used on some plushie listings. What exactly does that mean? How do these plushies differ from ready- to- ship ones? Why aren't ALL of Star Peepz available as M.T.O plushies? Let's get into it! 

The Basics

Really, it's super simple! M.T.O (or made- to- order) means that the item is only created after a purchase is made on my website. Each plush is 100% handmade by me, so some details vary slightly. Because of the current size of my business, I can only buy so much of each item (fabric, ribbons, bows, ext.) This is why not every variation of the character's plush will look identical. Another reason they're not identical... I'm not a machine! And I'm not perfect! 

How Long Do M.T.O Plushies Make?

Well... That depends on a few factors. Here is what determines my processing times (for made to order plushies).

  1. My current order volume
  2. How complicated the plush is
  3. My current overall workload

I try to have made to order plushies fulfilled within 1-4 weeks. (Fulfilled means shipped, not delivered to you!😁)

Where to Check On Your Order Status

For made to order plushies and custom plushies, check out the Star Peepz Queue.

With this page, you can see my current order volume, regular updates from me, notes about each plush, and more! It's a great resource, whether you have recently ordered a plush, or you just like to look for fun!

Why Aren't All Star Peepz Made to Order?

There's a few reasons I don't make all my plushies available as made to orders. Let me list them for you now!

  1. Lack of fabric 
  2. For seasonal plushies: The season has ended. 
  3. I didn't enjoy the first plush enough to remake it
  4. ... I just don't want to make it again!🫢

Question for You!

I'd love to make some of my old, sold out plushies, M.T.Os. Which sold out plush do you want to see come back? Comment below for a chance for your pick to be chosen!

Before I go, I had an idea. I may make a page showing an archive of every plush I've made. Think of it as a portfolio... A Star Peepz Museum if you will!

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1 comment

Gosh, I have a lot of favorites, but Abby or MOJO for sure!!


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